
Showing posts from January, 2018

Bio 200 Spring Term

Question: I just realized that I'm registered for Bio 200 with Professor Sardinia and the lab with Professor Halpern. The times for the two classes work best with my schedule, but is it okay to take lab with a different professor? Has anyone on here done it? Does it make it more challenging to learn the content? Thanks! Answer: Because there are so many Bio classes offered, you can take a lab from a different professor than you're taking the class from. It does depend on the class, though, as this is possible with biology classes, but is likely not possible with most psychology classes. The registration through BoxerOnline is pretty good about this; if you can take them from different professors, it will let you register for them. If you can't, it won't let you sign up for them. And yes, students definitely do this! Marissa did it with Bio, and she said it was a little bit harder because she had professors with two very different teaching styles, but they were both ...